Guest Speak: Bishop Robert Hooks

January 16 7:00 pm  |  Kings Eagle River

12340 Old Glenn Highway, Eagle River, AK, USA

  • Piercingly prophetic and with great sensitivity to the Spirit of God, the message that Bishop Hooks brings is both timely and on target. He is known amongst peers and congregational members as “Hit Man Hooks” for his love grounded, hard hitting messages that challenge believers to strive.  As a Prophet and Pastor he has a God-given mandate to raise-up, train, and launch leaders.  It is evident that Bishop Robert E. Hooks follows the words that Jesus spoke in Matthew 22, love God and Love people. 

Join us on Holy Ghost night, January 16th at 7pm! Bring your whole family & invite a friend, we’ll see you there!

To learn more about Bishop Robert Hooks, visit: