Baptism Sunday

February 23 11:00 am  |  King’s Eagle River

King's Eagle River, Old Glenn Highway, Eagle River, AK, USA

Water Baptism is an outward expression of an inward decision to follow Christ. If you’ve recently made the decision to follow Jesus or have never been water baptized, we encourage you to register today. This month we will have our Baptism Celebration during our 11am Worship Experience.

FOR KIDS & YOUTH: Please register for Water Baptism with your parent or guardian.

Fields marked with an * are required

Instructions for children/youth: If you're a youth wanting to sign up for water baptism, fill this form out with your parent or guardian. If you're a parent signing up your child or youth for water baptism, please use your contact information on this form so we can connect with you about your child getting baptized. We're excited to celebrate you!