October 22 - 24 2021  |  Change Point Church

6689 Changepoint Dr, Anchorage, AK 99518

What is AKYC?

Alaska Youth Conference is a middle school, high school, and college student conference that seeks to empower, equip and send students into their communities to make a positive difference. We want to see this generation filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit with boldness to shift a culture and share the Gospel. Our heart is to see students from across Alaska make a marked impact on their schools, their families, and their communities. It is time for this generation to stand up and fight for Jesus, knowing they are made for this.

Registration Cost:

Registration through King’s Alaska includes the following meals provided by King’s
Friday Lunch
Friday Dinner
Saturday Snack

Student Registration + Meals:
$100 before Oct. 8
$119 after Oct. 8
$130 at the door

Transportation Cost:

Full Bus Pass: $25

Transportation to and from all of the sessions of AKYC

Partial Bus Pass: $19

Does not include transportation to the Friday Morning Sessions.

*Limited Seating Available

No Bus Pass: Free

Students are free to get their own transportation to and from the event.